Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Why do we love them so?

First off WELCOME to Brendan! He joined us on Saturday at 0111 that is 1:11 am for you civilians pukes.

The question was posed to me by March's brother in reference to the good old B's. Well I am not sure why we love them so, we (Beantown) have always been nuts for hockey, even before the days of Bobby Orr, back then it was the Big Bad Bruin's and win or loose people knew they where going to get entertained. I know for our (March, B and I) generation it was Ray Bourque, Cam Neely, Andy Moog and Reggie Lemlin (OK so not so much Cam for B and March but F* you its my blog) It was the pain in the ass that Ken Linseman was, it was the pugalist nature of LB, it was Taz who would stop skating just to drop someone for looking at him the wrong way, it was "Nifty" and the Chief, Espo, and Shore... the list goes on and on. It was making it sooooo close but never quite getting there to push it over the top it was the fact we made the playoffs on a regular basis and we actually had a chance (Granted many of those first round victories came against the forever 500 whalers, who by the way have more cup finals appearances and cups than the B's in the last fifteen years) but if you look at what we have put up with over the last five plus seasons you really wonder why do we love them? The raise ticket prices, they put out a team that might make the playoffs, they raise concession prices when the team does poorly so that they can say "look we did not raise ticket prices) They finally clean house this year and tell Harry "thanks for your help now sit down and shut up" but what do they do for a follow on? They blow the roof off the ticket prices and make us all pay for it. Why do we love them so???? Not sure but I think it is some kind of addiction, must have been all those TV38 broadcasts back when subliminal messages where being sent out through our TV sets, because it sure isn't for the entertainment value anymore!

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