Monday, August 21, 2006


I know I am not the only one with this gripe. Last week I took the fam damily to the Outer Banks of NC for what has become our annual beach trip, we do the whole rent a house on the beach thing, even though I have grown to hate the beach, well not really, I just hate how the sand sticks to everything and does not come off, of course unless you go in the water and then YOU HAVE TO WALK ON THAT SHIT AGAIN and it gets all over you AGAIN.

OK Back to good old accounting. Here I am sitting at the beach doing my best to fry myself (did a dam good job if I don't say so myself, funny how SPF 30 does little when baking on the beach for a few hours) and my cell phone rings with that nice Uncle Sam supplied ring tone. I instantly get the ugly eye from my wife as this the last call I got with that ring tone was the one putting me on alert for a possible return to work due to the whole no liquids deal that hit the fan earlier in the week. I answered and like a true professional scum bag got up and walked away from the fam damily and head off down the beach to talk (like being away from my family was going to make this conversation secure.. not sure why I do that, they can be trusted more than some fat chick who has no right to wear a bikini lying on a towel with her roles touching on either side) Well it was not the dreaded call to come back to D.C. it was the dam accounting folks saying my travel card balance was 60 past due. I make a futile attempt to tell them it was not and that it was paid in full on the 15th which is after the statement date. The asshole on the other line simply says well then that is still considered outstanding until next month. Then had the nuts to say can you FAX me proof it was paid. HELLLLLLOOOO ashole I am on a fucking beach, oh wait let me pull out my handy dandy James Bond FAX machine, I forgot I had Q shove one in my ass just in case some fucking moron from accounting called! So I explain that I do not have access to a fax and that I paid them two days after receiving my travel payment from them.
To make a long story short, I ended up having to get my bank to FAX a copy of the payment to the acounting department, listen to the wife bitch about how she had to take all the beach shit back by herself while I was as she stated "working" (This is where I knew I was going to be in trouble) Any hooo I ended up wasting like three hours trying to get it all fixed and my account now that I am back at work still shows the balance being outstanding even though the payment shows on the account. With a nice call to accounting, I was again told that the payments will not clear the account balance until the statement is closed this month.

Bottom line is I wasted a half a day with this goat rope, my division chief was under the impression I was not paying my card off, and my wife was pissed off for the rest of the week, and this could have all been avoided if the accounting assholes did not sit on my travel voucher (which was submitted the first day back from travel) for three weeks before paying me, but hell that is somehow my fault.
If your in a corporate accounting office and your office practices this method of madness FUCK YOU..
Otherwise have a nice day!

1 comment:

March2theSea said...

ouch..the worst of all..pissing off the wife.