Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hotter Than Balls!

Hotter than balls you say? Well after and exhaustive search on Google, I have found that this statement goes along with any tempature that is above 94 degrees. Yup your balls are actually the coolest part of your body, and I don't mean large fireball explosion cool I mean tempature cool. So is hot as balls actually that hot? Not when you think about how fucking hot it is out today! I got in my car this morning and began the trek to work at 0630 and it was 92 fucking degrees already. Yes this was my car thermometer and we know how freaking reliable they are but hell, even if it was off by ten degrees that would still make it eighty fucking two degrees... and the dam sun was still rubbing the crust from its eyes. I can not wait to go to lunch and fry my balls on my black interior (Note to self: Don't by black leather, it cooks your swimmers!)

During my exhaustive research I came up with some fun tempature facts, did you know there is only one state in the country that has a record low tempature that is not negative? Any guesses on which one? Freaking Hawaii. The lowest recorded tempature (since records where kept, not sure when the hell that is but the weather asshole says it all the time so I decided to toss it in) is twelve degrees, now don't get me wrong, that is cold as shit, but seeing that it is still in the double digits it ain't THAT cold. Those poor bastards must have frozen their coconuts that day, literally!

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