Monday, July 17, 2006


Well I just returned from a trip to Tampa where I was involved in some training for our Uncle Sam. Part of the training involved people getting interrogated by some detectives on their activities while in the Tampa area. Needless to say, this portion was highly entertaining from my observer standpoint (the students on the other hand I am sure did not enjoy it) the interrogation took place along a traffic jammed road in a rest area ajacent to a local beach, in other words it was packed with tourists and as we found out from the detectives homo's, yup this was a local hang out for men seeking other men. Thank god we did not run into any of them. Anyway, just as the interrogation began it started to poor rain and I mean poor, there was a river running through the rest area and the detectives used it to their advantage as the students got put on their knees in the make shift river. I was extremely entertained and the first few students did fairly well and did not give up any information that would lead to the discovery of the teams activities, but I got scared when the most senior person began to get interrogated. This moron not only cracked and gave up all sorts of details on what they had been doing, but he also demanded to contact his superior putting up a fight (well he would have if he was not hog tied with plastic zip ties) He then gave up one of the sources they used and basically left him out to dry. In a real world scenario the source, the government employee and likely the rest of the team would have been beat senseless and the source would likely have rolled, causing their further detention and the eventual killing of the source.
It was a sad day, as we thought we had trained this individual better, but just goes to show you can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink. The worst part is that this retard is in charge of the team.
The future of our country lays in hands similar to theirs. That makes me SCARED!


Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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